Models still wanted

We continue to need female spanking models for our projects, especially for ebook front cover work to meet Amazon requirements, so no actual contact and fully clothed. You need to be within easy reach of Brighton (UK). Pay depends on the client publisher but is never less than £20 per hour.

If you’d like to hear more, please email me at


Spanking Models

Can I reiterate that we are always looking for models both for my own websites and for ebook covers. The work is paid (usually around £30 per hour for simulated images – i.e. no actual hitting) and can lead to other modelling work. That said, those wanting to try this as a one-off are also very welcome. The photography is carried out in Brighton, Sussex.

Punishment wanted

Every so often I get requests from women who are looking for some form of punishment. Obviously, their individual requirements differ but some things have surprised me.

Firstly, it always seems to me good to meet first at a public venue and have a chat over coffee or a drink to meet each other, gain a level of trust and understanding and discuss how the meeting proper might go. Surprisingly (to me) most women who have approached me want to pretty much come straight round and be spanked, caned or whatever, even if they have to travel a good distance.

Does it not make the experience safer for the women if we meet first?

Why the urgency, especially when they might have been considering this for some time?

The two most popular requests are to be spanked across my knee or to be bent over a desk and caned. I try to cater for all requests if I can. Do I mind if they keep their panties/knickers on? No, I feel it’s up to them. Can they keep their skirts/trousers on? Yes, again it’s up to them. Will it hurt? Yes, certainly.

What are other people’s experiences?


New ebook now on sale

The final title is ‘Assume the Position’ and is available now from Amazon USA, Amazon UK and Stormy Nights (the publishers). It’s a collection of short stories with US and UK school scenarios as well as non-school. Hopefully, something for everyone. I’m always keen to chat (even if you haven’t bought one of my ebooks!) so please feel welcome to get in touch. You can also visit my websites at and

News of the websites

We’re getting lots of contributions from both previous and new authors so it’s a busy time at the moment. Not all contributions are suitable, and some we ask to be modified. Judicial style punishment scenarios seem to be very popular with both readers and writers, not necessarily because they’re very much more severe. I do wonder why. Is it because the reader can imagine themselves in the role of one of the characters, whereas they can’t, say, get into the character in the case of a schoolgirl? If you have an opinion, please feel free to let me know.

Things are a little quieter here. We particularly need recollections of females being punished, so if you have a story to tell please get in touch.

New ebook out shortly

I’m pleased to say my next collection of short stories is with the publisher (Stormy Nights) and will hopefully be available within the next few weeks. The provisional title is ‘Eight Strokes More’ but the publisher is hoping to come up with a better title and also to sort out the artwork for the front cover. I’ll post more news as soon as I have it.

Using the paddle in American schools

It’s well known the paddle is used on an everyday basis in US schools and some have been mentioned on

I’m looking to learn more about these punishments, especially from girls who have experienced it. I’m interested in the timing, the method and all the feelings involved.

If you are female and have been paddled or witnessed girls being paddled, please contact me at

Naturally, all confidences will be fully respected.

Why do women seek spanking services?

I feel the reasons a woman might seek the services of someone like myself who offers spanking services often, but not always, differ from men. They vary enormously.

I’ve met some women who simply had a desire to be punished. That might be because they’ve committed some offence, for example drink driving, and either felt the court punishment was insufficient, or through chance had not been caught and prosecuted but still had the matter on their conscience.

Some find that taking away their freedom to choose their actions, and to punish them if they do not conform, is an extremely restful way to spend the odd hour that takes all the outside pressures off their shoulders, at least temporarily.

And some like to play a role they wouldn’t dare do in real life and act it out in total and confidential safety.

like most offering this sort of service, I do not charge.